Motorists are well aware that if they’ve been drinking, they should not get behind the wheel. Unfortunately, far too many of them fail to make the right decision and proceed to drive impaired. When you sustain injuries in an auto wreck, rely on a trusted local car accident attorney for guidance. Reach out now for specialized help with drunk driving car accidents in South Windsor.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Association (NHTSA) shares the following statistics related to drunk driving:
Alcohol reduces the brain’s functioning, impairs our ability to think and reason clearly, and reduces our muscle coordination. Any one of these alone is unsafe behind the wheel, and in tandem, they can prove deadly when they cause a drunk driving accident in South Windsor or anywhere else in the state.
In the State of Connecticut – as in every other state – the legal threshold for drivers is 0.08 percent blood alcohol concentration (BAC). Alcohol’s effects on drivers (and anyone else) are cumulative and include the following:
When behind the wheel in South Windsor, these levels of impairment are alarming at best and can result in a drunk driving accident.
If a driver who is under the influence of alcohol or drugs leaves you injured, obtaining the compensation to which you are entitled is paramount to your ability to fully recover your health and well-being. While your accident claim will be unique to the circumstances involved, the damages you incur will likely fall into the following categories:
The damages above are based on the actual losses and expenses incurred; for example, the compensation for medical expenses will be equal to the total bills the injured person receives from the hospital, doctor, pharmacy, and other medical providers.
In some situations, however, an injured motorist’s compensation may exceed their actual losses. Connecticut General Statutes §14-295 provides an injured person could receive twice or even three times their actual losses in compensation if they can show they sustained their injuries because another person deliberately or recklessly drove a car in violation of certain other Connecticut laws. Driving with a blood alcohol content over the legal limit counts as a qualifying scenario.
Although no damages are guaranteed, speaking with a South Windsor attorney who is experienced in handling drunk driving accidents could help illuminate how these statutes and others related to driving under the influence apply to a case and the amount of damages a person may recover.
In most car accidents, the injured person is limited to recovering from the other driver or the other driver’s insurance company. In the case of drunk driving accidents in South Windsor, however, it may be possible for someone to recover compensation from third parties as well.
For example, Connecticut General Statutes § 30-102 provides for dram shop liability. This means someone hurt in a drunk driving accident may be able to recover damages from a bar or restaurant if the establishment overserved the driver who went on to cause a wreck.
Although dram shop liability may be helpful to a case, it also adds many complications to the proceedings and may not be readily available in every situation. Speaking with an attorney who specializes in drunk driving cases could grant a better understanding of who to potentially recover compensation from and what avenues are available to do so.
When an impaired driver leaves you injured, a veteran accident lawyer from Berman & Russo is ready to help. We understand how difficult these situations can be and are committed to putting our more than 30 years of experience to work for you. We are proud to hail from the great state of Connecticut, and we make it our business to help you feel comfortable throughout the legal process.
To learn more about how we can help you recover from drunk driving car accidents in South Windsor, contact us online or call us to schedule your consultation today.