At the office of Berman & Russo, many of our motor vehicle accident and workers’ compensation clients depend on our catastrophic injury attorneys to help them obtain the correct medical diagnosis and effective treatment of soft-tissue injuries or fractures of the vertebrae of the neck and back. Reach out to a trusted South Windsor spinal cord injury lawyer for help.
Our South Windsor attorneys represent individuals, and their families, who injured their neck, back or spinal cord in any of the following ways:
We also work toward the recovery of the full range of damages Connecticut law will allow for lost income, past and future medical expenses, and pain and suffering.
Any injury to the spinal cord can cause lifelong pain and permanent disabilities. Even a minor accident can result in damage to the spinal cord or fractured vertebra. The most common spinal cord injury suffered is paralysis. The totality of the paralysis depends on the location of the injury to the spinal cord. The higher up the injury, the more severe the paralysis. Injuries to the cervical part of the spinal cord, which is located in the neck, often result in quadriplegia, where all four limbs, and potentially other bodily functions such as breathing, are affected.
Many back and neck injury patients encounter obstacles to accurate diagnosis, proper treatment or effective pain management due to insurance coverage questions or denial of claims. We can help you with access to the medical resources you need while working on your car accident or workers’ compensation claim.
Regardless of the severity or duration of your spinal cord injury, our South Windsor lawyers can advise you about the value of your legal claims, the process of presenting and resolving your case through settlement negotiations or trial, and the best ways to deal with the practical problems you can expect to encounter while you’re disabled from work and are concentrating on your physical recovery.
To learn more about the ways our clients benefit from our experience with the resolution of neck and back injury claims in Connecticut, get in touch with Berman & Russo for a free consultation. Call our office or contact us online today to speak with a South Windsor spinal cord injury lawyer.
We represent clients throughout Hartford County (east of the Connecticut River) and Tolland County, including the communities of South Windsor, Windsor, East Windsor, Hartford, Bloomfield, Enfield, Windsor Locks, East Hartford, Manchester, Glastonbury, Marlborough, Somers, Stafford, Stafford Springs, Union, Ellington, Tolland, Willington, Vernon, Bolton, Coventry, Mansfield, Storrs, Andover, Hebron, Columbia and Middletown.