Any accident that results in someone losing any amount of bodily function is invariably a tragedy—and unfortunately, one which can be virtually impossible to recover from completely through financial compensation alone. While no amount of money can reverse the effects of permanent paralysis, pursuing the restitution you deserve from the person responsible for harming you can still be key to preserving your financial security and maximizing your quality of life moving forward.
In a high-stakes situation like this, there is no substitute for support from an expert South Windsor paralysis injury lawyer with a track record of getting positive results from cases much like yours in the past. From start to finish of your legal proceedings, your dedicated local catastrophic injury attorney could ensure your rights are respected while pursuing the best possible case outcome on your behalf.
In medical terms, paralysis—loss of sensation or motor control in one or more areas of the body—usually stems from some kind of damage to the central nervous system, and more specifically to either the brain or the spinal cord. Depending on what type of injury someone sustains, they may experience different forms of paralysis, such as:
The type of paralysis someone is dealing with has a huge impact on what kind of financial recovery they could pursue through a civil claim against the person responsible for their injuries. For example, someone who becomes paraplegic after an accident may still be able to hold gainful employment of some kind, whereas quadriplegia usually renders someone completely incapable of holding any job. A seasoned South Windsor paralysis accident attorney could provide custom-tailored guidance about what losses an injured person could incorporate into their lawsuit or settlement demand.
Legal counsel can also help ensure that procedural obstacles do not get in the way of fair financial recovery for an injury resulting in paralysis. Most importantly, our qualified team could assist with constructing a comprehensive claim over a paralysis injury in South Windsor within two years of when the injury occurred. This is vital because two years is the statutory filing deadline set by Connecticut General Statutes § 52-584 on virtually all personal injury claims, including those built around permanent and debilitating injuries. Missing this statute of limitations could result in the court throwing out a claim completely.
Professional legal guidance can likewise be vital to proactively contesting allegations of “comparative fault,” which involves proving that a paralyzed person was not negligent in a way that contributed to causing their injury. Otherwise, C.G.S. § 52-572h would allow a court to reduce the total compensation available to that person or even prohibit them from getting any payment at all based on their assigned percentage of fault for their accident.
Becoming paralyzed due to another person’s reckless or careless misconduct can be as infuriating as it is life-altering. Even if you have to deal with physical limitations for the rest of your life due to that other person’s actions, though, you can—and should—make sure they compensate you financially for as many losses associated with your injuries as possible.
Working with a specialized South Windsor paralysis injury lawyer could make a world of difference in your ability to achieve a favorable case result. Call local legal advocates Berman & Russo today to learn more.