What Is A Jackknife Accident?
Truck accidents are among the most dangerous and potentially fatal of all motor vehicle crashes and ty
How Do Jackknife Accidents Occur?
Various factors can contribute to, or directly cause, a jackknife accident:
pically involve many injured victims and multiple damaged vehicles. Anyone who has ever experienced a jackknife accident is immensely fortunate to be alive.
A jackknife accident involves a truck and its attached trailer skidding on the roadway, resulting in the trailer swinging out and away from the cab. When this happens, the trailer and cab make a V or an L shape like a jackknife.
When a truck jackknifes, it can take up all lanes and cause devastating damage and injuries to surrounding vehicles, motorists, and other road users. Further, a truck that’s moving fast enough can easily roll over or flip onto its side, skid down the road, and take out everything in the way. Because jackknife accidents can happen suddenly, motorists and bystanders won’t have enough time to avoid the crash.
- Speeding – A speeding truck that suddenly needs to stop may be incapable of controlling the trailer. When this happens, the brakes may not respond on time, causing the trailer to lock up and start jackknifing.
- Brake Failure – When the brakes malfunction during a sudden stop, the trailer and cab may move at different speeds, resulting in the trailer swinging out and jackknifing.
- Driver Fatigue – Trucking companies make money ordering their truckers to fulfill as many deliveries in the fastest time possible, even if there are strict regulations on the number of hours truckers are allowed to drive in a day. Fatigued drivers are more likely to get distracted or doze off while driving, increasing the risk of a jackknife accident.
- Inexperienced or Poorly Trained Drivers – Such drivers can make driving errors that can easily cause the truck to jackknife.
- Poor Road Conditions – These can result in sudden changes in the truck’s direction and cause a jackknife crash.
Who Is Liable In A Jackknife Truck Accident?
Establishing liability in a jackknife truck accident can be complex since there may be multiple parties that injured people can hold liable for the crash. Also, trucking companies usually have a team of attorneys and claims adjusters that will do all that they can to deny or lower the value of compensation for injured claimants. Generally, one or more of these parties may be liable in a jackknife truck accident:
- Truck driver
- Trucking company
- Another driver or motorist
- Truck manufacturer
- The local government’s road maintenance department
- The party that loaded the truck’s cargo incorrectly
- The party that maintains the truck
Talk To An Experienced Manchester Truck Accident Attorney Today
The Manchester truck accident attorneys of Berman & Russo understand how devastating a jackknife truck accident can be. They know how to conduct a thorough investigation of the accident to prove fault and liability, and secure the compensation injured clients deserve. Call them now at 860-644-1548 or reach them online to set up a free case review.