Sharing The Road With Large Trucks
Connecticut motorists might not enjoy sharing the road with a large truck. As a general rule, these vehicles take up more space on the road and have a harder time turning and stopping. This means that passenger car drivers may need to give them more space and stay patient in their presence. Doing so may reduce the odds that a large truck driver will need to hit the brakes.
A large truck may need twice as much time to stop compared to a passenger vehicle. Smaller vehicles may be vulnerable to sliding under a truck in a collision, which is referred to as an underride. It is also possible that a truck goes over a vehicle in a collision, which is known as an override. It should be pointed out that trucks weighing over 10,000 pounds are required to have underride guards, but it is questionable how well they actually work.
Larger trucks tend to have a multitude of blind spots. A good rule of thumb is to look for the truck driver’s face in the side mirror. If his or her face cannot be seen, the driver of the truck is unlikely to see a passenger vehicle as well.
Those who are hurt by a negligent truck driver may be entitled to have resulting medical bills paid. They may also be entitled to ask for lost wages and lost future earnings related to their injuries caused in a truck accident. A truck owner may be liable for damages in addition to the driver who caused the crash. An attorney may use physical evidence, toxicology records or witness statements to show negligence played a role in the crash.