Hurdles Still Left For Driverless Cars To Overcome
A handful of large car and technology companies are either developing their own self-driving technology or acquiring companies that are involved with it. However, this doesn’t mean that driverless cars will be on Connecticut roadways anytime soon. In some ways, the driverless car craze is similar to the electric car hype in past years.
President Obama at one time said that by 2016, 1 million electric vehicles would be on America’s roadways. The real number was roughly 300,000, and this is because of issues such as large and expensive batteries used in electric cars. For an autonomous vehicle to be accepted by society, there needs to be a consistent regulatory and legal framework surrounding their use. It is also necessary to create maps that the vehicles can follow, and that may be a challenge in a country as large as the United States.
Truck drivers and other interest groups may also lobby against the implementation of vehicles that drive themselves. There is also something to be said for the fact that Americans tend to be wary of change even if is beneficial. Data shows that 94 percent of accidents are caused by human error, and a driverless car would not drive while tired or impaired.
Car accidents may result in both property loss and significant injuries to those involved in them. Car accident victims may benefit from seeking out legal counsel in their quest to obtain compensation for the losses that have been incurred. An attorney will attempt to demonstrate, through a review of the official investigation report and other evidence, that the crash was caused by the negligence of another driver.