Drunk Driving Accidents Claim Many Lives In Connecticut Each Year
The Thanksgiving weekend often brings together family and friends who do not routinely spend time together. At many of these gatherings, people consume alcoholic beverages. If someone does not plan ahead and drinks too much before getting behind the wheel of a car, they could hurt themselves and others if they get in a car accident. In the most tragic situations people could die.
According to a recent report, Connecticut is one of the most dangerous states in the nation when it comes to drunk driving fatalities. According to federal estimates, 41 percent of deaths dues to motor vehicle accidents in Connecticut are due to drunk driving. The national average is 31 percent.
Interestingly, when it comes to reporting drunk driving data, Connecticut has one of the lowest rates of reporting. This is despite the fact that the chief medical examiner’s office is required to test a blood sample of any driver who is killed in a car crash. It is important this reporting error is addressed since the lack of information makes it difficult to formulate a plan to address drunk driving in the state.
When a loved one is lost in an accident caused by a drunk driver, there is nothing that can be done to bring that person back. While nothing can take the place of that loss, in some cases, a wrongful death lawsuit could provide closure to the matter and make it easier for those left behind to move forward. The first step in this process is to contact a personal injury lawyer.