Calvin Harris Sustains Minor Injuries In Car Accident
Connecticut residents may be interested to learn that Calvin Harris was injured in a car accident May 20. The 32-year-old celebrity disc jockey was a passenger in a sports utility vehicle that was struck by a Volkswagen Bug driven by a 16-year-old girl. No fatalities occurred in the SUV accident, and everyone involved is expected to recover.
The two-car accident took place in Los Angeles during after-dark hours. Following the accident, Harris was transported to a hospital in Burbank where he received treatment for facial lacerations and then left shortly afterward. A teenage girl who was riding in a passenger seat of the Bug broke her pelvis after she was ejected from the car.
Reports indicate that the Bug slammed into the SUV carrying Harris. A photo of the accident shows extensive damage to the SUV’s front left side. The front end of the Volkswagen was destroyed in the accident. After the crash, Harris canceled two shows. Pop musician Taylor Swift, who is Harris’ girlfriend, has not commented publicly about the car accident.
Multicar accidents that involve SUVs often result in serious injuries. A person who was hospitalized after being involved in an SUV accident may want to talk to an attorney about filing a personal injury complaint. An attorney may be able to collect evidence from the police report and the accident investigation that demonstrates which driver was most likely at fault. A complaint may then be filed against the at-fault driver, and the victim may claim reimbursement for medical expenses and lost income.